Dogs in cold weather
Hey there!
I’m Omega from, German Shepherd, shop manager, online guru, canine expert and general dog’s body. Basically I’m the boss and I’m a very good girl.
Here at we want to make sure that you have everything you need to keep your animals in tip top condition. So I’ve decided to create a blog to give you hints, tips and great doggy advice.
At this time of year, when it’s getting dark early and it’s a little cold, some dogs need a little bit of extra care. Especially if they don’t have a big fluffy coat like me. Some dogs like Greyhounds or Chihuahuas have really thin coats, if your dog has a light coat, it’s important that you don’t leave them outside for long periods of time.
When you’re going for your walk (my favourite thing!) remember to go out at midday, it can be too cold in the early morning or late at night and if you think your dog is feeling the chill then a coat can be a great way to keep them warm. We’ve a lovely selection of dog coats here, so your pup can be kept warm and look great when they’re out and about.
If it’s very icy or there’s any frost or snow it can be hard on your dog’s paws, snow especially can get stuck to the hair between their pads and it can make it sore to walk or run. So check your dog’s paws during your walk and when you get home. Puppies’ pads aren’t fully hardened up yet, so harsh conditions can really hurt their little paws, so be careful when you take the babies out. If your dog’s paws do get a little sore, some paw soother can help to make them feel better.
Icy water bowls can cause dehydration, no one likes to drink freezing cold water, so if your dog’s water bowl is outside, add a little warm water to it to encourage them to drink. Lots of dogs become ill from dehydration in colder weather.
Of course you should never leave your dog outside at night when it’s cold. Bring them in where it’s warm. A nice cosy bed, like the ones we have here (tried and tested by yours truly) are the perfect place for your dog to sleep at night and nap during the day. If it’s really cold you might be tempted to put the bed next to a radiator or a warm fire. But make sure not to put it too close, as direct heat on a dog’s sensitive skin can cause burns quickly.
I hope this helps you to keep your best friend happy and healthy during the cold weather, even if it snows. (Please, please, please let it snow, I love jumping around in it!) I’ll be back soon with more great advice. In the meantime, if you have any questions my loyal employee (and daddy) Sam will be more than happy to help. Just type your question into our handy chat box in the corner.
It is also important to have dog insurance for and injuries’ or illness your dog may get in the cold weather.
I’m off for my run. See you soon