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Beaphar VETOpure Natural Spot On Small Dog


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Beaphar VETOpure Natural Spot On Small Dog – 3 pipettes

The Vetopure Bio Spot On for Small Dogs from Beaphar is effective against fleas and ticks. The Spot-On contains margosa extract from the neem tree. This extract is known for its repellent properties against insects. Each application lasts up to 4 weeks, so each pack provides up to 12 weeks of protection. Suitable for dogs older than 3 months.

The Spot-On contains margosa extract from the neem tree. This extract is known for its repellent properties against insects. Each application lasts up to 4 weeks, so each pack provides up to 12 weeks of protection. Suitable for dogs older than 3 months.

  • 100% Plant based
  • With margosa extract from the neem tree
  • Each application lasts up to 4 weeks
  • Easy to use
  • Suitable for dogs and puppies from 12 weeks of age