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Canary Stick Treat 1 pack


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Canary Stick Treats.

“Bonbonniere” for canaries – collection of sticks:
biscuits, eggs, honey, fruits.

As food supplement, they help to regulate the necessary level of vitamins, calcium, micro and macro-elements. The hard and thick cover of selected grains envelops the specially chosen stalk. This construction makes the bulb a superb instrument helping to grind off the beak overgrowth.

The canary sticks are based exclusively on natural components and traditional baking technologies. They are produced without the use of any preservatives and enable the birds to obtain the essential nutrients in a way similar to that in the natural environment.

canary seed
agrimony seed 
biscuit              6,5%
oats flakes
fruits                  4%
eggs                  4%

honey              4%

husk-free oat


maize pellets 

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