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Rosewood AROMADOG ™ Rescue Dog Toy


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Rosewood AROMADOG ™

Rosewood Aromadog toys can help soothe separation anxiety and hyperactivity. Made with a lavender-based blend of 100%therapeutic-grade essential oils to help calm your dog. Releases aroma with each play and squeak. Ideal toys for pets as life gets back to normal, helping pets deal with separation anxiety.

Using patented technology combined with natural aromatherapy, Aromadog toys are designed to aid in keeping your pet calm and happy throughout the day.

Developed by professional aromatherapists, to create a revolutionary new concept in squeaky dog toys. Made with 100% therapeutic grade blends, every play and squeak releases a calming blend of essential oils into the air – helping your dog associate their Aromadog toy with feeling relaxed and happy. With a soothing effect on the natural canine instinct to play and sniff, Aromadog can calm your dog for various situations or conditions such hyperactivity, separation anxiety, night pacing, thunderstorms, vet visits, travel anxiety, boredom and fireworks.

Rosewood Aromadog Rescue Dog

Rescue toys help with emotional trauma and experiences that are difficult to work through. Fearfulness, betrayal, rage, abandonment, grief and depression are emotions that must be overcome for a healthy life. Rescue toys help the dog transition through mentally challenging times to becoming balanced and optimistic with an oil mixture of cypress, ylang ylang, lavender, spikenard and neroli. No-stuffing toys and security blanket are included in the range.

Three soft and snuggly toys in the range:

Big Head , Flattie, Security Blanket,

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Big Head, Flattie Dog, Security Blanket